Category:Maps made in the 16th century
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This category has the following 46 subcategories, out of 46 total.
- Alessandro Zorzi maps (1 F)
- Atlas Miller (42 F)
- Maps by Alonso de Santa Cruz (6 F)
- Maps by Christian Sgrothen (45 F)
- Maps by Fernão Vaz Dourado (19 F)
- Maps by Lopo Homem (6 F)
- Maps by Matthias Oeder (14 F)
- Maps by Pierre Lepoivre (7 F)
- Maps by Wolfgang Lazius (24 F)
- Maps by Simon Pinargenti (7 F)
- Maps by Cornelius van Wytfliet (28 F)
Media in category "Maps made in the 16th century"
The following 152 files are in this category, out of 152 total.
05-nuno rubim capa-1o-volume - Image 206789.jpg 1,000 × 667; 612 KB
1555 Johannes Oporinus Macariae Eudaemonis Tabella (Caspar Stiblin).png 717 × 808; 712 KB
Milano1573.jpg 3,851 × 2,848; 5.88 MB
17th century harbour map, Cagliari.jpg 3,482 × 2,482; 696 KB
A Modern Depiction of Ireland, One of the British Isles WDL104.png 1,315 × 1,024; 2.91 MB
Abruzzo et terra di lavoro.jpg 2,596 × 1,884; 1.1 MB
Aegytus (FL25570002 2370194).jpg 5,321 × 4,150; 27.74 MB
America or the New World map by Theodor de Bry 1596.jpg 1,683 × 1,400; 3.41 MB
Ancienne Ville de Ierusalem (FL6880909 2368230).jpg 3,300 × 1,880; 3.56 MB
Apianus map.jpg 2,000 × 1,403; 1.45 MB
Armadaroute.jpg 1,330 × 918; 608 KB
Besancon-16c.jpg 1,024 × 748; 321 KB
Boazio-Sir Francis Drake in Cartagena.jpg 6,703 × 5,139; 15.78 MB
Boazio-Sir Francis Drake in Santo Domingo.jpg 6,506 × 4,999; 11.1 MB
Boazio-Sir Francis Drake in St. Augustine.jpg 837 × 640; 126 KB
Boazio-Sir Francis Drakes West Indian Voyage.jpg 6,640 × 5,134; 33.63 MB
Boazio-Sir Francis Drakes West Indian Voyage.tif 6,640 × 5,134; 97.56 MB
Cape Bozburun near Marmaris and Datça by Piri Reis.jpg 557 × 809; 644 KB
Carte Stefansson Torfaeus Sigrud Herjolsnes Vinland.jpg 487 × 466; 69 KB
Charles Harper, A New Mapp of the Holy Land (FL6880952 2368601).jpg 3,500 × 1,769; 3.8 MB
Cosmographiae uniuersalis (Munster) 612.jpg 2,465 × 1,912; 1.09 MB
Detail of Nova Albion from Hondius map of 1589.gif 808 × 636; 195 KB
Deventer ek.jpg 1,527 × 1,633; 282 KB
Die Stadt Jerusalem (FL184621629 2368235).jpg 4,381 × 3,231; 20.59 MB
Durrës Pinargenti 1573.jpg 2,016 × 1,491; 3.2 MB
EdwardWright-MapforSailingtoAzores-1599.jpg 477 × 518; 96 KB
Elizabeth Island.jpg 773 × 1,021; 312 KB
Erkelant.jpg 970 × 640; 272 KB
Erkelenz Atlas 1575.jpg 753 × 581; 133 KB
Francesco Ghisolfi. Black Sea. HM 28. PORTOLAN ATLAS. (Italy 16th century).A.jpg 4,169 × 2,638; 3.24 MB
Francesco Ghisolfi. Black Sea. HM 28. PORTOLAN ATLAS. (Italy 16th century).B.jpg 1,346 × 909; 427 KB
Francesco Ghisolfi. Black Sea. HM 28. PORTOLAN ATLAS. (Italy 16th century).C.jpg 1,449 × 988; 456 KB
Francesco Ghisolfi. Black Sea. HM 28. PORTOLAN ATLAS. (Italy 16th century).jpg 5,319 × 4,239; 5.92 MB
Gerusalemme.png 2,850 × 2,183; 12.58 MB
Gonzalo Pizarro sailing in Peru.JPG 868 × 1,119; 321 KB
Graafschap zutphen 1570.jpg 743 × 450; 399 KB
Graafschap zutphen 1573.png 874 × 950; 1.76 MB
Herkelens Deventer.jpg 535 × 694; 53 KB
Iempihia, Carta Marina.jpg 443 × 436; 57 KB
Ierusalem (FL6881000 2368229).jpg 2,950 × 2,098; 4.02 MB
Island16x1024.jpg 1,024 × 784; 114 KB
Island18x1024.jpg 1,024 × 798; 167 KB
Island19x1024.jpg 1,024 × 786; 130 KB
Island1x1024.jpg 1,024 × 1,411; 377 KB
Island20x1024.jpg 2,995 × 2,221; 4.96 MB
Italien-Karte 1 Rom mit Umgebung von der Ost- bis zur Westküste 16Jh ubs G 0600 III.jpg 1,469 × 1,830; 2.63 MB
Italien-Karte 3 Das oberitalienische Seengebiet 16Jh ubs G 0602 III.jpg 1,460 × 2,404; 3.35 MB
Itzehoe 1588.jpg 1,024 × 394; 124 KB
Jamaica 1562 (Girolamo Ruscelli).png 717 × 275; 444 KB
Jerusalem, die Stadt, die Gott fuer allen liebte (FL6881148 2368234).jpg 2,750 × 2,251; 4.47 MB
Johannes Criginger (attr) Karte von Böhmen vor1580 ubs G 0673 III a.jpg 1,500 × 1,172; 950 KB
Karte Seltzlin.jpg 1,270 × 1,904; 1.6 MB
Karte Stumpf 1548 markiert.png 1,466 × 2,348; 7.85 MB
Karte Stumpf 1548.png 1,466 × 2,348; 7.85 MB
Kingdom of Sardinia 16th century map.jpg 1,050 × 1,676; 1.98 MB
Kitab-i Bahriye Kingdom of Granada.png 5,742 × 3,754; 35.12 MB
La Ligurie de Mercator 1576 bis.jpg 771 × 455; 132 KB
Lacus Constantiensis 1540.jpg 1,266 × 1,048; 676 KB
Londe of Java.jpg 600 × 359; 87 KB
Mantua Map 1560.png 1,744 × 1,286; 1.45 MB
Map of Asia. 16th century.jpg 800 × 509; 176 KB
Map1502cantino-eelam.jpg 566 × 637; 203 KB
Mapa de las Antillas 1.JPG 3,607 × 2,355; 6.3 MB
Mapa de las tierra hiperboreas-sigurdur stefansson-1579.jpg 600 × 694; 116 KB
Matrakçı Nasuh Hamedan Map.JPG 1,181 × 1,660; 2.42 MB
Matrakçı Nasuh Map (1).JPG 1,181 × 1,689; 1.24 MB
Matrakçı Nasuh Map (10).JPG 1,181 × 2,245; 1.97 MB
Matrakçı Nasuh Map (11).JPG 1,181 × 1,694; 1.5 MB
Matrakçı Nasuh Map (13).JPG 1,181 × 1,672; 1.18 MB
Matrakçı Nasuh Map (14).JPG 1,181 × 1,677; 1.43 MB
Matrakçı Nasuh Map (17).JPG 1,181 × 1,642; 1.25 MB
Matrakçı Nasuh Map (18).JPG 1,181 × 1,674; 1.46 MB
Matrakçı Nasuh Map (19).JPG 1,181 × 1,640; 1.68 MB
Matrakçı Nasuh Map (2).JPG 1,181 × 1,664; 1.44 MB
Matrakçı Nasuh Map (20).JPG 1,181 × 1,674; 1.37 MB
Matrakçı Nasuh Map (21).JPG 1,181 × 1,661; 1.6 MB
Matrakçı Nasuh Map (22).JPG 1,181 × 1,700; 1.45 MB
Matrakçı Nasuh Map (24).JPG 1,181 × 1,709; 1.54 MB
Matrakçı Nasuh Map (3).JPG 1,181 × 1,644; 1.26 MB
Matrakçı Nasuh Map (4).JPG 1,181 × 1,685; 1.28 MB
Matrakçı Nasuh Map (5).JPG 1,181 × 2,073; 2.06 MB
Matrakçı Nasuh Map (6).JPG 1,181 × 1,678; 1.33 MB
Matrakçı Nasuh Map (7).JPG 1,181 × 1,677; 1.31 MB
Matrakçı Nasuh Map (8).JPG 1,181 × 1,597; 1.18 MB
Matrakçı Nasuh Map (9).JPG 1,181 × 1,790; 1.74 MB
Matrakçı Nasuh Map of East Tabriz.JPG 1,181 × 1,640; 1.38 MB
Matrakçı Nasuh Map of Tabriz.JPG 2,335 × 1,670; 3.45 MB
Matrakçı Nasuh Map of West Tabriz.JPG 1,181 × 1,699; 1.48 MB
Matrakçı Nasuh Miyaneh Map.JPG 1,181 × 2,166; 1.99 MB
Matrakçı Nasuh Soltaniyeh Map (1).JPG 1,181 × 1,663; 1.61 MB
Matrakçı Nasuh Soltaniyeh Map (2).JPG 1,181 × 1,671; 1.61 MB
Matrakçı Nasuh Zanjan Map.JPG 1,181 × 1,655; 1.36 MB
Moers-fuda-stromkarte1.jpg 2,774 × 2,081; 1.23 MB
Old Jerusalem (FL184621606 2368232).jpg 5,408 × 4,432; 13.1 MB
Orbis Typus Universalis - Waldseemüller 1506 map.jpg 2,000 × 1,569; 2.17 MB
Page 23 from Tomaso Porcacchi Castilione's 'L'Isole piu Famose del Mondo', Venice 1572.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 3.16 MB
Pedro Reinel map adaptation, Newfoundland.jpg 434 × 300; 77 KB
Pedro Reinel map, west.jpg 368 × 447; 129 KB
Pedro Reinel map.jpg 1,723 × 1,189; 688 KB
Permia map - Andrianov.jpg 1,071 × 1,490; 364 KB
Persiae Regnum 1598.jpg 652 × 463; 126 KB
Perusini agri drawing c1570 (cropped).jpg 517 × 667; 170 KB
Perusini agri drawing c1570.jpg 2,205 × 1,500; 1.36 MB
Perusinus-ac-Tifernas-via-aurea-scaled.jpg 2,545 × 1,622; 1.18 MB
Pfinzing Nürnberg Grundriss.jpg 1,159 × 810; 238 KB
Pietro Vesconte, Civitas Acon Sive ptolomayda (FL6878593 2368199).jpg 2,266 × 1,647; 2.34 MB
Îles d'Hyères. Portolan. Kitâb-ı Bahriye.jpg 473 × 714; 54 KB
Reino Valencia XVI.jpg 2,480 × 3,217; 4.03 MB
Reis map.jpg 750 × 816; 245 KB
Rhodes by Piri Reis.jpg 567 × 809; 200 KB
Rio de la plata- Alonso de Santa Cruz.jpg 499 × 650; 83 KB
Rosselli-1508.jpg 730 × 404; 122 KB
Ruscelli-map-1562 Tamil vanni country.jpg 1,950 × 1,473; 3.09 MB
Ruysch map, Gruenlant-Antilia.jpg 1,500 × 1,500; 861 KB
Salisburgensis Iurisdictionis locorumque vicinorum vera descriptio bw.jpg 3,146 × 2,436; 1.51 MB
Salisburgensis Iurisdictionis locorumque vicinorum vera descriptio.jpg 940 × 739; 403 KB
Scheldekaart.jpg 450 × 334; 58 KB
Sebastian Münster. Map of Colchis and Caucasian Iberia. 1544.GIF 1,237 × 834; 138 KB
Sgrothen Limburg Jülich.jpg 1,100 × 1,800; 846 KB
Skálholt Map (cropped).jpg 500 × 583; 140 KB
Skálholt Map.jpg 830 × 1,023; 191 KB
Skálholt-Karte, einschließlich Legende.jpg 1,619 × 2,041; 637 KB
Skálholt-Karte.png 341 × 398; 290 KB
Stadt Bremen ANNO 16 Jh 1598.jpg 655 × 500; 87 KB
Stumpf Froschauer Landtaflen Wallis.jpg 2,130 × 1,239; 1.51 MB
Taakeheim ill 98.png 580 × 667; 594 KB
Tabriz-16.PNG 1,133 × 805; 2.43 MB
Tabula XXXXII mansionum Populi Israelitici in deserto (FL199398085 2369201).jpg 10,928 × 7,744; 41.84 MB
Terrae Chanaan, inter XII. Tribus Israel distributae, orthographia (FL199398092 2369203).jpg 10,848 × 7,840; 42.19 MB
The Monks Map at Abingdon Museum.jpg 4,432 × 689; 467 KB
Thomas More Utopia 1516 VTOPIAE INSVLAE FIGVRA (Bibliothèque Mazarine).jpg 2,457 × 3,366; 4.6 MB
Thomas More Utopia 1516 VTOPIAE INSVLAE FIGVRA (Bibliothèque Nationale de France).jpg 1,024 × 1,460; 568 KB
Thomas More Utopia 1518 March VTOPIAE INSVLAE TABULA (Universitätsbibliothek Basel).jpg 2,007 × 2,740; 2.3 MB
Thomas More Utopia November 1518 Vtopiae Insvla (The Folger Shakespeare Library).jpg 2,472 × 3,252; 2.99 MB
Urbanismo Colonial, Vilas e Cidades de Matriz Portuguesa - 2009.jpg 350 × 524; 35 KB
Vero disegno della Marca d'Ancona drawing c1570.jpg 1,469 × 1,000; 667 KB
Weinerus Bayern 1577.jpg 2,000 × 1,716; 1.51 MB
Wolf-Dietrich-Klebeband Städtebilder G 064 III.jpg 1,532 × 2,000; 878 KB
Zuerich Stumpf.jpg 1,600 × 1,579; 1.59 MB
Zuerichgau Stumpf.jpg 1,200 × 1,734; 1.11 MB
배씨고려.jpg 550 × 302; 88 KB