epidemics – The Map Room https://www.maproomblog.com Blogging about maps since 2003 Wed, 27 Jan 2021 16:07:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://www.maproomblog.com/xq/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/cropped-logo-2017-04-32x32.jpg epidemics – The Map Room https://www.maproomblog.com 32 32 116787204 Pandemic Atlas https://www.maproomblog.com/2021/01/pandemic-atlas/ Wed, 27 Jan 2021 16:07:26 +0000 https://www.maproomblog.com/?p=1790014 More]]> Pandemic Atlas banner illustration

Alejandro Polanco’s latest Kickstarter project is the Pandemic Atlas. The idea, he says, “is to gather the most relevant information about the pandemics and major epidemics that have hit humanity throughout history to create an atlas in the visual style of my Minimal Geography project.” In 130 pages, the Pandemic Atlas explores major epidemics throughout history, and includes general chapters on heath subjects. The project’s inception actually predates the COVID-19 pandemic; it was initally inspired by the 100th anniversary of the 1918 pandemic, but at the time there was not much interest in the topic. Fast forward today, when an atlas about historical pandemics is just a little too topical.

The Pandemic Atlas Kickstarter runs through 24 February (it’s already met its goal). €20 gets you a digital copy of the atlas, €60 adds the hardcover.

Previously: The Minimal Geography Atlas.

Library of Congress Livestream on the History of Pandemic Maps https://www.maproomblog.com/2020/04/library-of-congress-livestream-on-the-history-of-pandemic-maps/ Wed, 22 Apr 2020 17:17:17 +0000 https://www.maproomblog.com/?p=1788783 More]]> Tomorrow (23 April 2020), the Library of Congress will be livestreaming No One Was Immune: Mapping the Great Pandemics from Columbus to COVID-19, in which John Hessler and Marie Arana will “discuss the sweep of history from the 1500s smallpox pandemic that decimated the indigenous population of the Americas to the meticulous work that is being done now to map COVID-19.” To be streamed on the Library’s Facebook page and YouTube channel at 7 PM EDT. [WMS]
