contests – The Map Room Blogging about maps since 2003 Tue, 26 Sep 2017 17:10:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 contests – The Map Room 32 32 116787204 Mapping with Microsoft Paint Tue, 26 Sep 2017 17:30:51 +0000 More]]> The Washington State Department of Transportation is clearly run by sadists. They held a contest to create a map of road closures and special events in the Seattle area over the busy 29 September to 1 October weekend. But because they’re sadists (or because it’s Washington State, home of Microsoft), the map had to be created using Microsoft Paint, with entrants drawing on a supplied base layer.

In the end, there were four entries, which can be viewed at this Flickr album. Voting is by likes on Flickr or via Twitter. [Sarah Bell]
