In March, 30 readers supported The Map Room by contributing a total of $332: 10 contributed $62 via buying me a coffee and 20 contributed $270 to my web hosting fees. My thanks to you all for your support.

WordPress says The Map Room got 11,742 views and 5,978 visitors in March. Those numbers don’t include legacy archive pages (another 2,900 or so views), RSS subscribers (about 1,200), or people using a blocker (see my privacy policy). They’re about even with February’s numbers.

The most popular post in March: Map Colours and Colour Blindness. Coming a close second: Super Tuesday Results by County.

March’s bestselling book (as determined by orders via this site’s affiliate links) is, by a large margin, Gretchen Peterson’s City Maps: A Coloring Book for Adults (see post).