Sorol – The Map Room Blogging about maps since 2003 Sat, 18 Nov 2017 12:17:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sorol – The Map Room 32 32 116787204 Sorol Thu, 06 Nov 2014 22:13:50 +0000 More]]> Sorol world map

Another one for those of you who like geofiction as much as I do. The Sorolpedia is an online encyclopedia of the distant and fictional world of Sorol, containing articles about the planet and its inhabitants. The maps are something else: far better than you’d expect from such a project (there’s even a KML file to import it into Google Earth). Its creator has put it on indefinite hiatus since 2010, so we may not see any more updates, but it’s still fascinating stuff.
