Endomondo – The Map Room https://www.maproomblog.com Blogging about maps since 2003 Mon, 09 Jul 2018 14:33:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://www.maproomblog.com/xq/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/cropped-logo-2017-04-32x32.jpg Endomondo – The Map Room https://www.maproomblog.com 32 32 116787204 Polar Flow User Data Can Be Used to Identify Military and Intelligence Personnel https://www.maproomblog.com/2018/07/polar-flow-user-data-can-be-used-to-identify-military-and-intelligence-personnel/ Mon, 09 Jul 2018 14:33:09 +0000 http://www.maproomblog.com/?p=1785901 More]]> Remember how in January the mobile fitness app Strava was found to reveal the training routes and user data of military and security personnel? It wasn’t just Strava. A joint investigation by Bellingcat and De Correspondent found that the data for users of the Polar Flow app is even more exposed: even the names and home addresses of military and intelligence personnel working at embassies, bases, intelligence agencies and other sensitive locations could be figured out from the user data. De Correspondent shows how.

Polar, the Finnish company behind the app and service, announced that they were suspending the Explore feature that made the data accessible. They also note, and it’s worth remembering, that Polar data is private by default. If you’re military or intelligence and using a fitness app, what the hell are you doing exposing your location data—especially if you’re in a sensitive location?

The report also contains one hell of a buried lede. They tested other apps, namely Strava, Endomondo and Runkeeper, and, well: “Though it’s harder to identify people and find their home addresses than it is through Polar, we were ultimately able to do so using these apps. In contrast to Polar’s app, there is no indication that people whose profiles are set to private can also be identified in these apps. We informed them of our findings last week.” In other words, this is an industry-wide problem, not just a problem with one or two services. [The Verge]
