Here are the books that have been published or are scheduled to be published in 2017. Clicking on the title, if it’s a link, takes you to a blog post about the book.
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec
To suggest a book for this list, please contact me. If you are a publisher, author or publicist of one of these books and would like to send me a review copy, see the reviewing guidelines.
Cartographies of Disease: Maps, Mapping, and Medicine (revised edition)
by Tom Koch
Esri Press
AmazonEarly Dutch Maritime Cartography
by Günther Schilder
London: A Life in Maps (revised edition)
by Peter Whitfield
The British Library
The Atlas of Ancient Rome: Biography and Portraits of the City
edited by Andrea Carandini
Princeton University Press
AmazonMapping the Holy Land
by Haim Goren, Jutta Faehndrich and Bruno Schelhaas
I. B. Tauris
AmazonPicturing America: The Golden Age of Pictorial Maps
by Stephen J. Hornsby
University of Chicago Press
Amazon / iBooksPatents and Cartographic Inventions: A New Perspective for Map History
by Mark Monmonier
Palgrave Macmillan
Amazon / iBooksZero Degrees: Geographies of the Prime Meridian
by Charles W. J. Withers
Harvard University Press
Amazon / iBooks
The New Map of Empire: How Britain Imagined America before Independence
by S. Max Edelson
Harvard University Press
AmazonDislocating the Orient: British Maps and the Making of the Middle East, 1854-1921
by Daniel Foliard
University of Chicago Press
Amazon / iBooksHistory of Armenian Cartography: Up to the Year 1918
by Rouben Galichian
Bennett and Bloom
AmazonMaps and the 20th Century: Drawing the Line
edited by Tom Harper
The British Library (U.S. publication)
AmazonWhither the Waters: Mapping the Great Basin from Bernardo de Miera to John C. Frémont
by John L. Kessell
University of New Mexico Press
Amazon / iBooksKanaka Hawai‘i Cartography: Hula, Navigation, and Oratory
by Renee Pualani Louis with Moana Kahele
Oregon State University Press
AmazonChildren Map the World, Vol. 4: Commemorating the International Map Year
edited by José Jesús Reyes Nuñez et al.
Esri Press
Charting the Oceans
(2nd edition)
by Peter Whitfield
British Library (U.K. publication)
Decolonizing the Map: Cartography from Colony to Nation
edited by James R. Akerman
University of Chicago Press
Amazon / iBooksMapping Israel, Mapping Palestine: How Occupied Landscapes Shape Scientific Knowledge
by Jess Bier
The MIT Press
AmazonAncient Geography: The Discovery of the World in Classical Greece and Rome
by Duane W. Roller
I. B. Tauris
AmazonLondon: A Life in Maps (revised edition)
by Peter Whitfield
The British Library (U.S. publication)
Companions in Geography: East-West Collaboration in the Mapping of Qing China (c. 1685-1735)
by Mario Cams
AmazonCartography: An Introduction (2nd edition)
by Giles Darkes and Mary Spence
British Cartographic Society
AmazonCanada Before Confederation: Maps at the Exhibition
by Chet Van Duzer and Lauren Beck
Vernon Press
Dissemination of Cartographic Knowledge
edited by Mirela Altic, Imre Josef Demhardt and Soetkin Vervust
AmazonBeyond the Map
by Alastair Bonnett
Aurum Press
Amazon / iBooksWomen and Cartography in the Progressive Era
by Christina E. Dando
Amazon / iBooksMaps of Delhi
by Pilan Maria Guerrieri
Niyogi Books
The Art of Cartographics: Designing the Modern Map
Goodman Books
AmazonWhere the Animals Go
by James Cheshire and Oliver Uberti
W. W. Norton (U.S. edition)
AmazonAtlas of the Irish Revolution
edited by John Crowley, Mike Murphy and Donal Ó Drisceoil
Cork University Press, NYU Press
AmazonThe First Railroads: Atlas of Early Railroads
by Derek Hayes
Firefly Books
AmazonAtlas of Beer
by Nancy Hoalst-Pullen and Mark W. Patterson
National Geographic
Atlas of Nebraska
by J. Clark Archer et al.
Bison Books
AmazonNowherelands: An Atlas of Vanished Countries, 1840-1975
by Bjørn Berge
Thames and Hudson
AmazonNew Views: The World Mapped Like Never Before
by Alastair Bonnett
Aurum Press
AmazonMapping Naval Warfare: A Visual History of Conflict at Sea
by Jeremy Black
AmazonThe Red Atlas: How the Soviet Union Secretly Mapped the World
by John Davies and Alex Kent
University of Chicago Press
AmazonCinemaps: An Atlas of 35 Great Movies
by Andrew DeGraff and A. D. Jameson
Amazon / iBooksBermuda Maps
by Jonathan Land Evans
National Museum of Bermuda PressThe First Mapping of America: The General Survey of British North America
by Alex Johnson
I. B. Tauris
AmazonLondonist Mapped: Hand-drawn Maps for the Curious Explorer
AA Publishing
Amazon UKRemapping Modern Germany after National Socialism, 1945-1961
by Matthew D. Mingus
Syracuse University Press
AmazonMapmaker: Philip Turnor in Rupert’s Land in the Age of Enlightenment
by Barbara Mitchell
University of Regina Press
AmazonTerrestrial Lessons: The Conquest of the World as Globe
by Sumathi Ramaswamy
University of Chicago Press
AmazonA History of Canada in Ten Maps
by Adam Shoalts
Allen Lane
Amazon / iBooksTribal GIS: Supporting Native American Decision Making (2nd edition)
by Anne Taylor et al. (eds.)
Esri Press
AmazonThe Times Mini Atlas of the World (7th edition)
AmazonThe Times Reference Atlas of the World (8th edition)
AmazonExplorer’s Atlas: For the Incurably Curious
by Piotr Wilkowiecki and Michał Gaszyński
The Social Life of Maps in America, 1750-1860
by Martin Brückner
University of North Carolina Press
AmazonLiterature and Cartography: Theories, Histories, Genres
edited by Anders Engberg-Petersen
The MIT Press
AmazonThe Routledge Handbook of Mapping and Cartography
by Alexander J. Kent and Peter Vujakovic
AmazonCarpathian Rus’: A Historical Atlas
by Paul Robert Magocsi
University of Toronto Press
AmazonOxford Atlas of the World (24th edition)
Oxford University Press
AmazonHistory of Britain in Maps
by Philip Parker
AmazonSad Topographies
by Damien Rudd
Simon & Schuster
Amazon / iBooksThe Un-Discovered Islands
by Malachy Tallack
Picador (U.S. edition)
Amazon / iBooksNetworked Nation: Mapping German Cities in Sebastian Münster’s Cosmographia
by Jasper van Putten
AmazonCharting the Oceans
(2nd edition)
by Peter Whitfield
British Library (U.S. publication)
AmazonNew Lines: Critical GIS and the Trouble of the Map
by Matthew W. Wilson
University of Minnesota Press
Coming in 2018:
January 2018
- Geographies of an Imperial Power: The British World, 1688–1815 by Jeremy Black (Indiana University Press)
- Aerial Aftermaths: Wartime from Above by Caren Kaplan (Duke University Press)
- A Biography of a Map in Motion: Augustine Herrman’s Chesapeake by Christian J. Koot (NYU Press)
- Mapping the Clyde by John Moore (Birlinn)
March 2018
- Maps and Texts: Evaluating the Irish Historic Towns Atlas edited by H. B. Clarke and Sarah Gearty (Royal Irish Academy)
- Cartography by Kenneth Field (Esri)
April 2018
- Mapping the Middle East by Zayde Antrim (Reaktion)
- Mapping Shakespeare: An Exploration of Shakespeare’s Worlds Through Maps by Jeremy Black (Conway)
- The Art of Map Illustration: A Step-by-Step Artistic Exploration of Contemporary Cartography and Map Making by James Gulliver Hancock et al. (Walter Foster)
- How to Lie With Maps, 3rd edition by Mark Monmonier (University of Chicago Press)
- Carving Up the Globe: An Atlas of Diplomacy edited by Malise Ruthven (Belknap/Harvard University Press)
- Map Men: Transnational Lives and Deaths of Geographers in the Making of East Central Europe by Steven Seegel (University of Chicago Press)
- Early Mapping of the Pacific: The Epic Story of Seafarers, Adventurers and Cartographers Who Mapped the Earth’s Greatest Ocean by Thomas Suarez (Periplus)
May 2018
- The Cartographic Capital: Mapping Third Republic Paris, 1889-1934 by Kory Olson (Liverpool University Press)
June 2018
- Trading Territories: Mapping the Early Modern World, 2nd edition by Jerry Brotton (Reaktion)
- Lost Maps of the Caliphs: Drawing the World in Eleventh-Century Cairo by Yossef Rapoport and Emily Savage-Smith (University of Chicago Press)
- To Master the Boundless Sea: The U.S. Navy, the Marine Environment, and the Cartography of Empire by Jason W. Smith (University of North Carolina Press)