
1500s 1600s 1700s 1800s 2016 US elections academe Apple Apple Maps arctic atlas auctions Australia big maps books border disputes Boston BPL British Library California Canada cartograms cartoons China cities climate change collecting comics coronavirus COVID-19 crowdsourcing data visualizations disease driving directions earth observatory elections Esri exhibitions fantasy fantasy map design fantasy maps France fun funny global warming globes Google Google Maps hand-drawn history of cartography hurricanes indigenous iOS iPad iPhone Japan Kickstarter Leventhal libraries Library of Congress London map design map literacy mapmaking map projections map stores map thefts Mars Moon NASA New York City New York Times NOAA OpenStreetMap Ordnance Survey Osher Ottawa pandemics pictorial maps posters privacy Quebec railroads railways Rumsey Russia satellite satellite imagery Scotland social media Street View topo maps tube UK Ukraine USA USGS Washington Post wildfires women xkcd

Monthly Archives

Older Archives (2003-2011)

Category Archives

Older categories

Between January 2004 and June 2011 The Map Room was published using Movable Type. The following categories were used. After a while they got a bit unwieldy (tags would have helped), so I’m starting fresh with the 2016 relaunch. The old categories are included here for the sake of completeness, and in case you find it useful.

(In 2003 I was using Blogger, which didn’t support categories at all at the time.)