In The Atlantic’s May 2019 issue, Frank Portnoy looks at an unexpected use of satellite imagery: stock analysts counting cars in retail parking lots, among other things, to predict a company’s revenues.
Category: Economics
Bloomberg Looks at U.S. Land Use

Bloomberg explores land use in the United States with a series of low-resolution maps that become more and more like infographics in the shape of the lower 48 states. It’s a revealing look at the big picture, with some surprises: 41 percent of U.S. land is used to feed livestock.
Debt in America

The Urban Institute’s interactive map of debt in America explores the geography of debt, paying particular attention to medical debt and the racial (white vs. nonwhite) breakdown of debt, down to the county level. [Kottke]
Mapping Where America Depends on Trade

The Washington Post maps the parts of the United States most dependent on trade—and thus most at risk if the Trump administration starts a trade war with the U.S.’s trading partners.
Average House Prices in the U.K.
British housing market analyst Neal Hudson posted a map of 2015 average house prices in the U.K. to Twitter last week. London is unsurprisingly dire.
It's been a while since I've published a map so here's 2015 house prices by postcode across Britain
— Neal Hudson (@resi_analyst) April 14, 2016