Here are the books that have been published or are scheduled to be published in 2016. Clicking on the title, if it’s a link, takes you to a blog post about the book.
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec
To suggest a book for this list, please contact me. If you are a publisher, author or publicist of one of these books and would like to send me a review copy, see the reviewing guidelines.
The Miami Map Fair: The First 20 Years
by Joseph H. Fitzgerald
Frederick de Wit and the First Concise Reference Atlas
by George Carhart
Brill Publishing
AmazonThe Chang’E-1 Topographic Atlas of the Moon
by Li Chunlai et al.
City Maps: A Coloring Book for Adults
by Gretchen N. Peterson
AmazonChina at the Center: Ricci and Verbiest World Maps
edited by Natasha Reichle
Asian Art Museum
AmazonCartographic Japan: A History in Maps
edited by Kären Wigen, Sugimoto Fumiko and Cary Karacas
University of Chicago Press
Amazon / iBooks
People and Places: A 21st-Century Atlas of the U.K.
by Danny Dorling and Bethan Thomas
Policy Press
AmazonThe Pre-Siege Maps of Malta: Second Century AD–1564
by Albert Ganado and Joseph Schirò
BDLMapping the Airways
by Paul Jarvis
Amberley Publishing
Amazon / iBooksConnectography: Mapping the Future of Civilization
by Parag Khanna
Random House / W&N
Amazon / iBooks-
Maps and Civilization: Cartography in Culture and Society (Fourth Edition)
by Norman J. Thrower
University of Chicago Press
Ultimate Mapping Guide for Kids
by Justin Miles
QED Publishing (U.K.)
AmazonPinpoint: How GPS Is Changing Technology, Culture, and Our Minds
by Greg Milner
W. W. Norton
Amazon / iBooksThe Enigma of the Origin of Portolan Charts: A Geodetic Analysis of the Hypothesis of a Medieval Origin
by Roel Nicolai
AmazonKaarten van de Nederlandse Antillen
by Wim Renkma
Renaissance Ethnography and the Invention of the Human
by Surekha Davies
Cambridge University Press
AmazonCartographic Grounds: Projecting the Landscape Imaginary
edited by Jill Desimini and Charles Waldheim
Princeton Architectural Press
Amazon / iBooksAlbion’s Glorious Ile: A Hand-Colouring Book from the Songs of Poly-Olbion
by William Hole; edited by Anne Louise Avery
Unicorn Press
AmazonThe Ordnance Survey and Modern Irish Literature
by Cóilín Parsons
Oxford University Press
Amazon / iBooks
Making Art from Maps: Inspiration, Techniques, and an International Gallery of Artists
by Jill K. Berry
Rockport Publishers
Amazon / iBooksSomerset Mapped: Cartography in the County Through the Centuries
by Emma Down and Adrian Webb
AmazonAfter the Map: Cartography, Navigation, and the Transformation of Territory in the Twentieth Century
by William Rankin
University of Chicago Press
Amazon / iBooks
Making Maps: A Visual Guide to Map Design for GIS (3rd edition)
by John Krygier and Denis Wood
Guilford Press
AmazonMapping the Four Corners: Narrating the Hayden Survey of 1875
by Robert S. McPherson and Susan Rhoades Neel
University of Oklahoma Press
AmazonUltimate Mapping Guide for Kids
by Justin Miles
Firefly Books (North America)
Atlas of Improbable Places
by Travis Elborough and Alan Horsfield
Aurum Press
AmazonAtlas Obscura
by Joshua Foer, Dylan Thuras and Ella Morton
Amazon / iBooksTreasures from the Map Room
edited by Debbie Hall
Bodleian Library
AmazonGreat City Maps
Dorling Kindersley
AmazonThe Times Concise Atlas of the World (13th edition)
Times Books/HarperCollins
Maps of War: Mapping Conflict Through the Centuries
by Jeremy Black
AmazonWar Map: Pictorial Conflict Maps, 1900-1950
by Philip Curtis and Jakob Sondergard Pedersen
The Map House
AmazonMount Buggery to Nowhere Else
by Eamon Evans
Hachette Australia
Amazon / iBooksScotland: Mapping the Islands
by Christopher Fleet, Margaret Wilkes and Charles W. J. Withers
AmazonSpeaking American: How Y’all, Youse, and You Guys Talk: A Visual Guide
by Josh Katz
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Amazon / iBooksArt and Optics in the Hereford Map: An English Mappa Mundi, c. 1300
by Marcia Kupfer
Yale University Press
AmazonThe Great British Colouring Map
by the Ordnance Survey
Laurence King
AmazonNon-Stop Metropolis: A New York City Atlas
by Rebecca Solnit
University of California Press
AmazonBritain’s Tudor Maps: County by County
by John Speed
AmazonThe Un-Discovered Islands
by Malachy Tallack
Amazon UK
The Phantom Atlas: The Greatest Myths, Lies and Blunders on Maps
by Edward Brooke-Hitching
Simon & Schuster
Amazon / iBooksYou Are Here: NYC: Mapping the Soul of the City
by Katherine Harmon
Princeton Architectural Press
AmazonMaps and the 20th Century: Drawing the Line
edited by Tom Harper
The British Library
Amazon UKOxford: Mapping the City
by Daniel MacCannell
AmazonMedieval Islamic Maps: An Exploration
by Karen C. Pinto
University of Chicago Press
Amazon / iBooks