Satellite Imagery of the Eruption Near Grindavík

Satellite image of the smoke plume and lava flow from the eruption of the Fagradalsfjall volcano near Grindavík, Iceland, taken on 8 Feb 2024 and processed by Marco Langbroek.

The Copernicus-2A satellite imaged the smoke plume and lava flow from the eruption of the Fagradalsfjall volcano near Grindavík, Iceland yesterday; Marco Langbroek processed natural-colour and short-wave infrared imagery to achieve the above image, which he posted to Bluesky. [Kottke]

Previously: Earthquake Swarms and an Imminent Eruption in Iceland.

Erin Davis’s Average Colours of the World

Map: Average Colors of the World (Erin Davis)
Erin Davis

Erin Davis has created maps showing the average colour of each country of the world (plus  maps showing the average colour of each U.S. state and county). She derived the average colour from Sentinel-2 natural-colour satellite imagery; she appends the process and the code to the end of her post. [My Modern Met]